Ehsaas Kafalat Program Online Registration 2023-2024

Ehsaas Kafalat Program

Pakistan has launched (احساس کفالت پروگرام) ehsaas kafalat program online registration in 2023-2024. This program will provide a stipend of 12000 per month to 7 million poor women as part of the ehsas kafalat program 2023. By sending your own CNIC in SMS to the 8171 Ehsaas Program, you can be eligible for PKR 12000 after three months.

You don’t have to worry if you are unemployed. Following biometric verification, you will be able to take RS 12000.

A date-base registration process is carried out by the National (identity) Date-base Registration Authority. For the distribution of funds to be transparent and merit-based, biometric verification is imperative.

Table of Contents

What is Ehsas kafalat?

In order to alleviate poverty, the Government of Pakistan introduced the Ehsas Kafalat Program. Through this program, citizens can register online and verify their CNIC numbers to see if they are eligible. Registering for the ehsas Support program online requires a valid and active CNIC number. To improve your life, you’ll be eligible to receive government financial assistance after registering.

In addition to the Ahsas Kafalat scheme registration, eligible applicants will receive free health insurance. Pakistan has made great strides forward with the ehsas kifalat program, which has made a big impact on the lives of those who are most vulnerable. In providing assistance to those in need, the government is demonstrating its commitment to helping the most vulnerable.

Government programs like this one are excellent ways of ensuring that those in need get the help they need.

The Ehsas Kafalat program checks CNIC numbers to identify eligible participants. The EHSAS Kafalat ID is automatically assigned to applicants after they provide their CNIC number. Checking CNIC eligibility allows applicants to quickly determine if they qualify for ehsas Support without having to manually fill out lengthy forms.

Ehsaas Kafalat Program

By using the ehsas kifalat program check CNIC, citizens are able to confirm their eligibility and get the assistance they require. In the process of ensuring financial support for the most vulnerable, it is a great step forward.

Those living in rural areas are often illiterate and don’t know how to register for online services. Step-by-step instructions will be provided in this guide on how to apply for ehsaas Kafalat program 12000 online check. After considering, you will be able to easily understand

  • The first step is to open the link “Online Registration”. 
  • The second step is to provide the office with all the information they require
  • In the third step, you will fill in all the requirements you will check under the procedure and submit button.
  • Afterward, your application will be submitted.

Check Ehsass Program 7000 web portal Status

There has been progress in Pakistani government’s efforts to assist the poor. The Ehsaas program 7000 has been replaced with the Ehsaas program 14000 thanks to a new initiative.

  • To begin with, make sure you are eligible
  • Once you have applied and signed up, you can begin the process. The final step in the Ahsaas process is to receive 7000 dollars by 15 February.
  • Located near the payment center
Ehsaas Kafalat Program

Participating banks in this program include these major banks

  • Habib Bank Limited
  • National Bank of Pakistan
  • United Bank Limited
  • Easypaisa
  • JazzCash

To distribute cash transfers to beneficiaries under the Ehsaas program, these banks were selected by the government of Pakistan.

All banks have been properly connected to support the program through the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

Ehsas kafalat program check CNIC

Ehsas kafalat program check CNIC

In order to provide assistance to the orphans, widows, and poor segment of society, the government of Pakistan has taken the initiative. or ehsaas kafalat nadra gov pk are websites where you can check CNIC online. Fill out the form with the required credentials and click the submit button. 8171 registered to your identity card can be used to verify your registration.

Ehsaas kafalat program CNIC check online 2023-2024

The following steps explain how you can check your CNIC online for the Ehsaas Kafalat program 2023-2024

  1. You can track your ehsaas kifalat at
  2. In the provided box, enter your 13-digit CNIC number.
  3. The “Submit” button will appear.
  4. It will display your name, your father’s name, your district, tehsil, and union council if your CNIC has been registered in Ehsaas Kifalat Program.
  5. The “Payment Status” button on the same page can also be used to check your payment status.

Ehsas kafalat program by NADRA online registration

The online portal allows applicants to check their CNICs. Ehsas kafalat is not available to the following candidates.

  • All foreigners travelers
  • Taxpayer
  • Govt job holder
  • Car owner
  • Landowner

Those living on a shoestring budget are the only ones eligible for this program. The kafalat amount will be RS 12000 per month for all deserving candidates.

Ahsas kafalat program 12000 online check

For needy people, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf announced a donation of RS 12000. A new update on the Ehsas Kafalat program is that the amount has been increased from 12000 rupees to 14000 rupees by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif. Several regional centers have been set up in many cities for people to receive their 12000 rupees if they are eligible.

You do not need to worry if you have not registered yourself. You can visit your nearest EHSAS center and give them the necessary information about your family members.

How to apply for ehsas kafalat registration form online

The ehsaas ke falak program online registration has affected the lives of many leaders today and in the past. Uplifting the poorest segments of society is necessary. This scheme has been made easier to apply for by the government of Pakistan. To apply, you must visit or You will need to fill out a form.

What are ehsaas kafalat beneficiaries

Ehsaas Kafalat Program

A beneficiary is someone who receives money/cash as part of the Kafalat program. The program is open to all Pakistani residents. We welcome all people, regardless of the location they come from, such as KPK, Punjab, Balochistan, AJK, Fata, Gilgit, and Sindh. International beneficiaries must have an account for parcels containing 1000 or more.

How to get Ehsaas kafalat card online

ehsaas kafalat card

To obtain a kafalat card, you must first complete your NSER survey/Ehsas survey. To start with, open the official website, which is or and select the district you are interested in.

You will be able to see the Ehsas centers in your city. To complete the survey, you need to go to the nearest center and provide the agents with the necessary information. To conduct an ehsaas survey, the following documents are required.

  • Your identification card.
  • A family member’s identification card.
  • Information about your family and your sim card. 
  • The 8171 web portal will allow you to register ehsaas kafalat program check CNIC online after completing your survey in 2023. Alternatively, you can text your 13-digit CNIC to 8171. A postal letter will be sent to you after confirmation of your eligibility.

There will be no charge for this service. A nearby registration center can help you track your Kafalat card and get it for easy withdrawals.

Download Ehsaas kafalat Program App

Ehsaas Kafalat Program

Ehsas Rabta is a mobile application that facilitates ehsas sarfeen. The link below will take you to the app’s download page.

Ehsas kafalat program app allows you to create a password and ID after downloading. You can use this tool to find out whether you are eligible for the Kafalat program. There are many other schemes related to scholarships, Rashan Rayat Dukan registration, and so on that you can check out.

By using this app, you can apply online for EHSAS program registration 2022-2023, as well as enter complaints.

How to withdraw Ehsas cash from bank

In case you are a Punjab/Sindh resident and want to withdraw your ehsas cash, you can do so from your nearest HBL branch (registered for ehsas). You can now withdraw your money from Bank Alfalah if you live in KPK, Fata, Ajk, or Gilgit.

How to receive money through a bank / how to use an ATM / step-by-step instructions

Ehsaas Kafalat Program

The best way to get money / how to use an ATM

  • HBL/BANK Alfalah ATM machines can be found near you.
  • The Urdu language can be selected by pressing the green button on ATM machines.
  • Put your ID card number in the Ehsas Kafalat ATM program button.
  • For biometric verification, place your thumb on the scanner. Your 12000 will be dispensed by the machine.

How to apply for the ehsas Kafalat Program through SMS

By making a mobile service, the government is making it easier for the poor to apply for Ehsas Kafalat program check CNIC. To begin with, you need a valid CNIC/B-FORM.

Visit your nearest NADRA office and renew your CNIC if your ID card (Identity Card) expires. Ensure that your ID card is registered with a sim card. You are not eligible if you do not meet these requirements. Send your CNIC as a text message to 8171. A confirmation message 8171 will be sent to you regarding your eligibility.

Re-opening of ehsas Kafalat Registration on 2023 online

You need not worry about applying for this Greeb Dost Scheme if you have not yet done so. There is no doubt that you will be pleased to learn that the Federal Government has begun registering students for the Ehsaas Kafalat program in 2023. As of 1st September 2022, Ehsaas centres have reopened in all tehsils.

Those who were not able to participate or complete their ehsas survey should register at their nearest center. You will need your housewife’s ID card in order to complete the survey.

How to get registered in PM ehsas Kafalat 2023 through SMS

A new initiative has been launched by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in 2019. Lagging areas in the country are to be helped and uplifted through this scheme. A thirteen-digit CNIC number is all you need to register for the prime minister ehsas program 2023 by sending a text message to 8171. It should be without a slash. The registration process will be explained to you in a reply. For applying to the Ehsas program, you should always complete your NSER survey first.

Ehsas kafalat scheme for students

There is no need to worry, dear students. An official website has published an advertisement for the Ehsas Kafalt scholarship. This opportunity is available to girls and boys in classes 12, 13, and 14 (from Nursery, Primary, Secondary, and Higher Secondary Education). While there is no mentioned deadline in the ad, I would recommend that you apply for E hsaas scholarship 2022-2023.

In all districts of Pakistan, students between the ages of 4 and 22 will be eligible for the benefit. From start to finish, the government has digitized the system to ensure transparency. There has been an increase in Kafalat scholarships recently.

ATM cards are not required to receive your scholarship. In order to withdraw your cash by biometric verification, you must visit the nearest HBL ATM. In every tehsil of the country, ehsas education scholarships are being awarded for the education of 10 million children. 

The question “what is the graduation bonus of RS 3000?” is frequently asked. Once a student completes his or her Primary education, he or she will receive Rs 3000.

ehsaas kafalat program check cnic

How to register for ehsas kafalat Scholarship 2022-2023

It’s necessary to visit the closest ehsas waseela taleem center with a B form (for students under 18) or a CNIC (for students over 18), as well as all their academic certificates.

Note: Attendance at school must be 70% to qualify

The Waseela Taleem Scholarship amount varies by class

PrimaryRS 2,000RS 1500
SecondaryRS 3,000RS 2,500
High secondaryRS 4,000RS 3,500

Ehsaas Postal letters

The EHSAS survey must be completed in order to ensure final eligibility. As part of the Ahsas Kafalat scheme, postal letters have been mailed to eligible applicants. It is important to remember that there is no charge for letters.

For registration in this program, you need to pay RS 14000 in quarterly installments. RS 14000 will be paid to you four times a year if you are on a quaternary plan. To get further information, you should go to the nearby ehsas center if you haven’t received a letter yet.

ehsaas kafalat program online registration

How does Ahsaas Kafalat relate to BISP payments?

To assist deserving families, Benazir Income Support was established in July 2008. In quaternary, the RS 4834 cash payment was given. A monthly payment of Rs 1500 or two monthly payments of Rs 3000 is given under the BISP program today. Purchasing 20-25 days’ worth of flour will be enough for a family of five or six.

A flood relief cash assistance was announced by the Government on 22nd September 2002 for flood-affected areas of Punjab, KPK, Balochistan, and Sindh. In 2019, the PTI government launched the Ahsaas program. RS 14000 quaternary was included in the social safety plan to help poor families.

(Despite BISP’s success, the cost of everything has increased, so another program is needed to combat inflation).

Ehsaas kafalat Program Rs 12000 Installment

Each family eligible for the program will receive their money in three monthly installments. A government plan was announced and Rs 12000 was distributed four times a year according to that plan. RS 12000 has been raised to RS 14000 by Pakistan’s current prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif.

Ehsaas kafalat plan 2023-2024

Ehsaas Kafalat Program

The Ehsaas ghareb kafalat program of NADRA ehsas will provide RS 2000 per month to 7 million poor women. The sasta Petrol and sasta Diesel scheme also gives a chance to earn RS 2000 in monthly subsidies for PETROL and Diesel.

Who is eligible for Ehsaas kafalat program Registration

  • The program may be available to women who are the primary breadwinners in their households without a male family member.
  • A widow who does not have a male relative to support her may be able to apply for the program.
  • This program may be available to people with disabilities who are having difficulty earning a living.
  • Applicants who do not have a family to support them may be eligible for the program.
  • It may be possible for elderly individuals without family support to take advantage of the program.
  • Widows
  • People with disabilities
  • Senior citizens

How to register Ehsaas kafalat program

  • You can send an SMS to 8171 from your mobile phone. The registration helpline for the ehsaas kifalat program can be reached at this number.
  • Complete the form by providing your name, CNIC number, and the details of your family members.
  • Would it be possible for you to review the information after submitting it all to ensure it is accurate?
  • Submit your application once you’ve reviewed your information.
  • Once your application has been processed, you will receive a confirmation message on your mobile phone.

Ehsaas Kafalat to include transgender people

As part of the Ehsaas Masawaat Program, transgender individuals are included and empowered in Pakistani society. Discrimination and violence against this community must be addressed, however, in order to ensure their full participation in all aspects of life.

Sania’s agenda for Ehsaas Kafalat is based on the empowerment of women

With the support and resources that Ehsaas provides, women in Pakistan are becoming more economically and socially empowered.

Ehsaas kafalat program payment center Details & Timings

At several government schools, ehsas Nadra Pakistan centers have been constructed under the ehsas kafalat program. Money distribution duties have been assigned to the bank staff and the education department.

احساس کفالت پروگرام 2023 ہیلپ لائن

#1 Phone: +92-51-9240024
#2 Phone: +92-51-9210022

Helpline at 0800-26477

Fax: 051-9210047


Ehsaas Official Website:

Ehsaas Kafalat Program

Ehsaas Kafalat Program Center Near Me

  • Chakwal
  • Bahawalpur
  • Layyah
  • Charsada
  • Faisalabad
  • Lucky Marwat
  • Hurry Pur
  • Muhmand
  • Sajawal
  • Thatta
  • Keech
  • Jekababad
  • Sukkhar
  • Qillah Saifullah
  • Naseerabad
Ehsaas Kafalat Program

Click to get registered on the official website.


How to check ehsaas kafalat program?

Visit the official Ehsaas website ( to find out if you are eligible for Kafalat.
Your eligibility can also be checked via SMS. Your CNIC number (without dashes) should be sent to 8171 in an SMS.
The Ehsaas Kafalat center in your area can also help you with your application by verifying your eligibility with your CNIC number.

How to check ehsaas kafalat program eligibility online?

The official website for Ehsas Kafalat online registration is
The Kafalat page allows you to enter your CNIC number. Your CNIC number (without dashes) must be entered and your email address must be entered.
After submitting your CNIC number, you can check your eligibility for Ehsaas Kafalat.
Additionally, you will find out how much assistance you will receive based on your eligibility.

How To Perform Ehsaas Kafalat Registration Online?

Performing ehsaas kafalat registration online 2023 is an important and primary task for any individual or family. Every year, Ehsaas Survey is used to register new members, and this year’s Dynamic Survey 2023 will be used to complete the registration process for the new year. 8171 Ehsaas Kafalat Registration can be checked online.

What is Ehsaas Kafalat Program Check CNIC?

It is a simple and fast method to check your eligibility online with Ehsaas Kafalat Check CNIC. You can confirm your Ehsaas Kafalat Eligibility by entering your CNIC number and 14-digit numerical number on the Ehsaas Kafalat 8171 Web-Portal. In reality, there are a large number of people who can claim not to have been selected for Ehsaas Kafalat. You are considered part of the Ehsaas Kafaalat family if you meet the poverty criteria.

How Can You Complain About Biometric Problems in Ehsaas Kafalat?

Women who are having difficulties submitting their fingerprints for biometric verification. Please use the following portal to submit your complaint. Any alternative method of Ehsaas payment will be arranged by the management.

What are the steps to register for Ehsaas if you are not included in the Ehsaas survey?

Families eligible to participate in the Ehsaas Survey but have not participated due to any reason. To participate in the Ehsaas program, you can visit your district’s tehsil-level Ehsaas Registration Desk. Women in the household must bring their National Identity Cards for registration.

When will the screening process for Ehsaas be completed?

A Dynamic Survey 2023 mechanism will be used to screen families very soon. During the month of April 2023, the final results of the screening process for the eligibility of families will be announced. Our portal allows you to confirm your eligibility for the ehsaas program until the deadline.

How to check Ehsaas kafalat program money online

You can access this service by visiting the official Ehsaas website ( and clicking “Kafalat.”.
The website of Kafalat allows you to enter your ehsaas kafalat program CNIC check online number. If necessary, leave out the dashes from your CNIC number and click “Submit”.
Your Ehsaas Kafalat eligibility, as well as the amount of financial assistance you have received, will be displayed after you submit your CNIC number.

How to check Ehsaas kafalat program money online from mobile phone?

The SMS message should be sent to 8171 with your CNIC number (without dashes).
After sending the SMS, Ehsaas Kafalat will respond with information about your payment status.

How to get Ehsaas kafalat card?

You can do so by visiting the official website or by sending an SMS to 8171 with your CNIC number (without dashes).
If you qualify, visit a local Ehsaas Kafalat center to learn more about the program. In order to assist you, we will need your CNIC number and other pertinent information.
Following approval of your application, your Ehsaas Kafalat card will be mailed to you or picked up at a designated location.

How do I get Ehsaas Kafalat program cash?

By transferring funds directly into your bank account, you can receive financial assistance.
Mobile banking can be used to get financial assistance through JazzCash or EasyPaisa.
Over-the-counter withdrawals of Ehsaas Kafalat cards are available at designated banks and financial institutions.


A major initiative by the Government of Pakistan, the Ehsaas Kafalat Program provides financial support and assistance to the country’s most vulnerable segments. By providing low-income households with a stipend, health services, and vocational training, the program aims to empower them and improve their socioeconomic status. A major step towards reducing poverty and inequality in the country has been taken with the launch of this program by the government.

In addition to the monthly stipend, the program also provides other support services to millions of families. Through the program, low-income households have been able to alleviate poverty and reduce their financial burden, thereby improving their quality of life and providing better care for their families. Women have also become financially independent and have gained a greater sense of control over their households as a result of the program.

In order to ensure that the program is meeting its intended goals, the government should continue monitoring and evaluating its effectiveness. Also, the government should consider expanding the program’s coverage to serve even more vulnerable segments of society and providing additional support services that will assist beneficiaries in becoming economically and socially independent. In general, the Ehsaas Kafalat Program is a positive step toward building a more just and equitable society in Pakistan.

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